Mastering Garden Watering: Debunking 5 Watering Myths

Top 5 Watering Myths
The success of your garden heavily relies on how you manage its watering schedule.

One Inch of Water a Week:
When I first started gardening, one of the first things I did was go to Google and searched « How much to water a garden ».

Watering the Leaves Will Burn Them :
The idea behind this one is that water droplets on the leaves act as mini magnifying glasses, concentrating the sun’s rays and potentially scorching the leaves…(Read more)

Rise and Shine! The French Breakfast Radish

A brief breakfast-y, radish-y history:
The French breakfast radish has an elongated and cylindrical shape, with vibrant red skin that transitions to crisp white at the ends.

Planting – Setting Yourself Up for Success:
To ensure a successful radish-growing experience, it’s really important to pay attention to sowing time details.

Once your radishes have sprouted, thinning out seedlings is essential to allow adequate space for each radish to fully develop. I try to space seedlings out every 3-5 inches, or about the width of my palm…(Read more)

The Wonderfully Tiny World of Aphids

Aphids and Ants: BFFs for life
What we saw was a classic example of a mutualistic relationship that can be found in the garden.

Ladybugs to the Rescue: Natural Aphid Predators
While ants may love aphids, gardeners might not be so keen to have them around the garden they’re looking to harvest from.

Ecologically-based Pest Management
By fostering a healthy ecosystem and inviting beneficial insects like ladybugs into our garden, we can establish a balance that keeps aphid populations in check, without resorting to adding synthetic chemicals…(Read more)

Green Spaces for All: Why Everyone Deserves Green Spaces

Urbanisation has brought many benefits, but it has also resulted in significant challenges, particularly in terms of access to green spaces. 

More than half of the world’s population now lives in cities,  and it is estimated that 68% of the global population will be living in cities by 2050.

Green spaces, such as parks, trees, and gardens, provide not only beauty but also a range of health benefits, particularly for children and the elderly…(Read more)